About me
I know what it’s like to experience constant brain fog and exhaustion, to feel disconnected from your body like you’re standing outside of it looking in, to have no energy for social interactions, to feel so stuck that even waking up the next day feels like an impossible task.
“You’ll make yourself sick with anxiety”
Growing up I heard this a lot from my mum but it wasn't until the end of 2021 that this became my reality. My nervous system was in disarray, I was not sleeping, I had pains in my joints and I was not choosing the most healthy lifestyle choices. I felt stuck and had feelings of helplessness. I felt like life was carrying on around me but I was on pause. I felt like things would never get better. It was difficult to do my job, it was tiring to socialise and the doctors weren’t giving me any conclusive answers. I had lost all hope and I was ruminating in fear and desperation.
Something had to change…
I finally got some insight into why my body was acting the way it was. Describing my nervous system as “over active”, I was told that I was experiencing anxiety. Something I have dealt with in the past but not on such a physical level. My body was described as sitting in a stationary car with the foot on the accelerator. I started seeing a hypnotherapist for the constant internal vibrating and buzzing throughout my body. Any worries I had pushed aside had manifested physically in my body. During this time it became clear that my lifestyle choices were putting a strain on my mental health, the food and drink I was consuming, along with the people I was sharing my energy with were no longer serving me
…but old habits die hard.
I started exploring ways to make my body and mind feel at ease
I wanted to deep dive into various modalities, way past the physical and into the emotional and spiritual
“Yoga is not a receipe for less suffering, although it can offer us help in changing our attitudes and therefore less suffering”
I connected back with a regular yoga practice, this had a way of grounding and allowing me to feel embodied. When I’m on my mat that’s when I feel most me, the most authentic version of myself. This opened a whole new world of discovering who I am and who I want to become. Along with reiki and meditation, yoga was an outlet to move any stuck energy in the body. It helped me gain connection to myself but more importantly it gave me hope.
Yoga, reiki and meditation aren’t there as a means to look outside ourselves for something that will fix us or solve our problems but they allow us to look deeply within ourselves, our thoughts, patterns and ways of being. They can enable us to gain clarity and self-awareness but most of all empower us to make better choices.
Let’s be real, Yoga isn’t this one stop shop that has solved all my problems. But… it has allowed me to create freedom, connection and find peace within myself
I want to share these modalities with you, in hope that you too can find alignment and a sense of ease within yourself